Neighbourhood is a web application focused on fostering stronger communities by allowing users to offer or request help from their neighbours. Users can create and join neighbourhoods where they can issue requests and offer help to other members.

Our philosophy is focused on encouraging users (neighbours) to create meaningful relationships with each other while spending as little time as possible within the application.

The way it works is by leveraging a simple request-response loop, which is based on several studies that highlight the importance of mutual help in forming strong communities. Why call a plumber when one of your neighbors might be proficient and willing to help?

Be ready to assist your neighbor at those times when physical proximity is important – either in an emergency, or when the assistance costs little and it would be silly to force the other person to go long distances for it (for example, in the United States, loaning a cup of sugar). (p. 136)

Fischer CS (2004) The Urban Experience. 2nd ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning

If you want to get help from someone in your local community, just issue a request and someone will get back to you. Giving a helping hand is the best way to go from being a stranger to being a Neighbour!