Our competitors try to enhance the community aspect of neighbourhoods by creating news feeds for specific areas. We, on the other hand, aimed at providing easy, seamless interaction while encouraging face-to-face communication.

Addtionally, most of them are only available in certain areas of the globe (ex. USA), and are focused on creating a news feed with local events and user posts. While our objective is similar, our philosophy differs. Neighbourhood prioritizes simplicity and interaction outside the app, in the real world. We intentionally left out features such as friend requests, news feeds and other elements that pose a distraction to our main goal - to forge cooperation between neighbours.

Neighbourhoods are curated by their respective administrator, who has the role of the gatekeeper, deciding who should be allowed in their neighbourhood. With this filter in place, we ensure the communities being formed will be made up of people who are actually able to help each other.

  Competition Neighbourhood
Encourages real-world interaction   X
Available in all regions   X
Mobile friendly X X
Easy to use UI   X
Open Source   X